Things are warm and fuzzy here at casa de Coop.
Savy is feeling better after going under the knife on the 10th.
I made it through driving 12 hours to Colorado.
Being a happy person when I wanted to be a sad one. Then driving 12 hours back here.
I learned so much about how much I love my sisters, my Mommy, and my Dad in one weekend that I can not really express in so many words.
My hubby was a super dad to Kelly in my absence. I now know that he can do it all... I am so proud.
Easter was fun!
Kelly loves to hunt for eggs.
I am thinking of hiding her toys just to see her find them again. It is just to funny.
I love my family.
I am still dealing with the loss of my Poppy. I am not sure if I will ever be the same.
I am ok with that.
Everything has new meaning to me.
Tomorrow I get to hang out with my neice Sadie. I am seriously looking forward to that. She is funny and silly, and sweet. Just what the doctor ordered.
If only people could bottle what she has.... I bet everyone would be happy.