Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Flatware can make you smile

Greetings! Our snow crazies have subsided and we all felt almost normal today. Well, almost- for a few reasons.
  1. Savy is still injured and has Darth Vader cast for a leg. She pulls the look off though. Her arms look like a personal trainers from walking around on crutches all week.
  2. Kelly is suffering from a big time cold. I bought her night time cold medicine today to ease her symptoms so that she can sleep tonight. About 40 minutes later I watched her run around the house making weird noises in a high pitched voice. Hmmm, interesting. I looked at the box and it said that it causes excitability in children. Not the result I was going for. (great job cold medicine makers)
  3. DJ is also feeling the woe of a nasty cold. It has filled his noggin with not fun stuff and he cannot breathe, hear or talk without sneezing. Poor Deejer. His medicine has put him in a History channel trance. That is ok with me. Learning is power!
Anyway.....on a lighter note. The word for today here at casa de Cooper is spoons. Bright, shinny, silvery spoons.


The silverware fairy came and visited to Mama Coop today!!!!! (See enthusiastic smile at top)

Many people would ask :
  • "Who is this silverware fairy?"
  • "Why is the silverware fairy making a visit to casa de Cooper?"
  • "How do I get a visit from this silverware fairy?"
I have the answers to all of those questions, for I am the leading authority on all matters associated with the glorious fairy. All it took was a six month online course and a half pound of glitter. Poof! Instant expert.

Firstly, the silverware fairy is a shinny little lady that delights in giving new flatware to well deserving people. (see picture at right to see what Mama Coop got)

Why is she getting such a visit???? Well She has honestly worked for it for 40 years!!! This is the year that marks Papa and Mama Coop's 40th wedding anniversary. In those years they have raised 8 wonderful people. (that alone deserves a visit)

In those 40 years Mama Coop has collected 19 different kinds of spoons. A few weeks ago she was putting away some of them and decided to look and see what there was. You know you really just don't think to count your spoons, then one day you do and you are seriously suprized at the results. I know we were. This is what it looked like. (see lower right) That isn't even all of them even. It is impressive, I know.

Ok, tips for getting a silverware fairy visit of your own.
  • Smile when you are surrounded by screaming small children.
  • Give a gentle laugh in stead of an angry fit of rage .
  • Simply shake your head when a four year old writes on your new leather chair.
Mama Coop has been caught in the act of doing all of these things on a regular basis. Now can you see why she got the visit?

Long live the silverware fairy where ever she is. ;)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

It's a miracle! new silverware! Can't think of anyone more deserving.