Friday, July 18, 2008

For the record....

...I got this comment on my blog today.

" That is NOT how I imagined Edward looking... not even close. I have spoken w/ others and I am not alone. nuf said."

It is from my sister Shannon.

She has a valid point.

A point that I strongly agree with.

Soooooo, "nuf" not said.

I must clairifly.

I am talking about the casting of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in the upcoming Twilight movie. (See right)

In my mind Edward looked completely different.

More like THIS guy. (gaze lovingly at the left)

Ugh, the only problem is that Brad Pitt is just a wee bit older than the character who is supposed to look like he is 18.


Also, Brad Pitt only likes to make movies that will pay him 20 million dollars....sheesh.


Shannon said...

That is a little better.. for sure.. I agree w/ savy when she says that bella looks prettier that edward and it IS just wrong... Haven't the people making the movie read the books... jeesh people!! love ya!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmm brad pitt. yummy