Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Elementary school girls basketball is really entertaining

No lie! It was pretty fun.

Kelly and I went to Charlee's 4th grade basketball game last night.

It was at the old middle school down the street. Man, that building is falling apart! I was a little bit afraid for my safety when I first got in there.

It was cool though.

As cool as Jesee, Wyatt and Kelly in this picture. Watch out world....the three of them are growing up and they are a force!

What is up with Wyatt in this picture???

To my surprise the gym was packed!

I am not being sarcastic when I say that. I took this picture sitting on the side where all of the people were sitting. Never would I have guessed that it would fill that whole side. I guess 4th grade basketball is the IN thing to go check out.

Her team was playing Fredonia. That explains so much. Those fans were serious!!!

There was a few times that I thought to myself that some adults were a bit to riled up when it came to a missed shot.

Sheesh people! It is 4th grade basketball for Pete's sake...

Charlee was really a hoot to watch.

She was guarding this little girl and she was running around her blocking her from the ball, doing a great job. I swear that I kept catching her having normal conversations with this girl.


"Hey, I really like your shoes."


"Do you think that the Jonas brothers are dreamy?"

"Do you hate math homework like I do?"

I could not really hear her, I am merely making an observation. When I was watching her it looked like that is what she was saying to her.

That, and I can read lips.

(not really)

I can not end this without another picture of Kelly.

She had a blast!

Now she can't wait untill she can play too. When the game was over she went right out to the floor and started to shoot basketballs with the next team up to play.

It was funny.

Here is a video that I took of the game. Trying to take pictures of running 10 year olds is really hard!

Shooting a video is even worse.

Sorry if it makes you a little nauseous.

Oh yeah...the game ended in a TIE!! 18 to 18. :)


Nicole said...

I cannot STAND 4th grade basketball. It's too hard for me to watch until they get into about 8th grade or so. It's too chaotic and it makes me crazy!

Good for you for being more tolerant :)

Ali said...

Gosh I remember playing in that gym! My favorite feature was when you tried to stop but instead you slid a couple feet! haha Priceles.

Stephanie said...

Ha ha. I always thought you were funny. Now I know you are. I like the friend thing on facebook. Man the good old days. Also I remember playing ball in that gym too. I wonder if the locker rooms are still downstairs. Oh and the tunnel.

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said... just gets worse...the fans/parents I mean...I live with a coach and believe you me it gets much WORSE!!! sad huh!!! :( People forget it is just suppose to be fun in the 1-8th grade...then down to! So far I am glad (really) than non of mine are too interested!! Maybe my 1st grader in Volleyball and football(yup girls can play flag!!!) it's all good! It's been awhile...glad to see a few more posts...:)