Monday, February 4, 2008

It is WAY too cold outside.

Yea! Happy news! Papa Coop is home!

Everyone's favorite leading man has landed here at snow filled casa de Coop. Smiles all around for lots of reasons.
  1. He is fun to be around
  2. He is an awesome cook. (we had sweet egg rolls last night.)
  3. Someone that we feel safe with can drive us in this crazy snow.
  4. We are happy when all of us are safe and sound here at home base.
  5. He shovels a mean walkway.
  6. He is lightning fast at scooping up Kelly when she is being a wild child.
  7. Did I mention that we love him to tiny bits??

Today was "make a whole bunch of valentines day".
Did you celebrate by hot gluing one of your fingers, getting permanent marker on one of your favorite shirts, or was it more of a cardboard paper cut kind of day for you? I personally like to spend my day with the traditional super glue my finger to my shirt. It's mixing two different ideas I know, but I prefer to live dangerously.

We could all feel Kelly's intense desire to frolic in the snow today. I had to insist that she eat some breakfast first. (I am a mean Mother) Then I thought I would save her little tootsies from frostbite by first sticking them in appropriate sock ware...then adding sweet plastic sandwich baggies to the party. Of course I had her wear shoes as well.

Where are her boots you ask? Kelly would like to know the same thing.

Well, we DID just move here from sunny Henderson NV. Not exactly the boot wearing capitol of the world you know. This year is just a freak year for winter snow too. Excuses, excuses. I will find her boots - but mark my words - As soon as I find them the weather is going to get all sunny and then I am going to have to bust out the flip flops.

I can feel it.


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!! I love this blog! haha Its way cute. I can't wait to come home this weekend and see everyone! 4 days and counting...Love you!

Nicole said...

Great entry! I am with you on the "no boots" thing. We'd be in big trouble if we had to deal with any snow! Dylan runs around barefoot outside until I make him at least put on flip-flops.