Monday, September 1, 2008

Do you know these people???

I found these weird pictures in the furnace room here at casa de Coop.

Can you help me figure out who they are???

They seem familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on who they are exactly.

Some of them look like they need a wardrobe update.

A few of them just seem off to me. Do you know what I mean???

I just hope that whoever these pictures belong to,
goes right to a stylist and gets them all some serious help.

Please if you know any of these oddly dressed people,
send me a message in my comments.

Something has to be done for these poor, poor people!


THe person that gets them all right gets a free sno-cone.
-in December-
-wearing a bikini.


Shannon said...

ok... from bottom to top...
Dad Cooper
Mom Cooper

How did I do??

Stephanie said...

Ha! You are hilarious, I got a big kick out of your blogs and I would love to get to know you better too. Kelly is an absolute doll and we just love having her in primary every week. She always makes me smile, if not bust up laughing with her eagerness to help and answer every question. She definitely gives life to our little primary!

Nicole said...

Pure silliness! I love it! I am going to get my hair cut today and now I know JUST what I am going to do...thanks!

Stephanie said...

Actually Kindermusic is so much fun! Kelly would actually go to the older class. Kennedy's is a mommy and me class still. You can go to a trial class to see if you like it too. It is supposed to introduce them to music and helps with all kinds of skills.

Trinity said...

I couldn't stop laughing.

Stacy and Jared said...

you are freakin hilarious. almost all of your posts crack me up, I cant get enough

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

lex, you are to funny! How ever our babies grow so fast you really can't blink or might miss something. later!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! haha You are hilarious!

Laura Edwards said...

Haha! I love these photos!