I can now heave a huge sigh of relief.
Papa Coop's surprise birthday party was last Saturday and it was wonderful.
***crazy side note***
For a really long time...like my whole life... I have been spelling surprise like this- suprize- I thought it was sup prize!
I am officially an idiot.
The cool thing is that the old me would never admit to that mistake..ever.
I feel all changed and new.
Not really.
***end of crazy side note***
He almost caught me at least three or four times when I was either making something, or talking to someone about some part of the party.
Planning surprise parties can take it out of you.
You saw how much fun it is in my last post.... so everyone had to be EXTRA sneaky and not say anything to Papa Coop. It was a tough one, because people were talking about Jess being there, and Gramma Cooper herself was going to drive over to Kanab the minute her party was over.
Then, when we were there in St. George, Papa Coop tells Mama Coop and I that he isn't going to go back to Kanab after the party.
Yep. He had work plans to pick up a load in Vegas. AHHH!
It was quickly taken care of and the surprise party was back on! Woo hoo! (Thanks Uncle Tom!!!)
The hostess-with-the-mostest Emily had everything down to an exact science. It is nice to plan things with someone that understands my obsessive compulsiveness...and my internal need to people please to the nth degree. She knows me.
- what needed to be done,
- who is doing it, and
- when it has to be finished.
All anger was gone the second he heard "Surprise!!"
I was behind him a bit, so I did not see them all jump out, but I bet it was a sight to see. I think someone might have taped his entrance..I am not sure.
We all were missing Nicole so much! Now, with my awe inspiring paint program skills I can make the impossible...possible.
Here Nicole is with Jess, Gavin, Savy, Ali and Amanda. It looks like Amanda is holding up a Happy Birthday Dad sign. How nice of her.
Man I am such a good photo cropper-changer. I should do it for a living. You can hardly tell. HaHaHa
All kidding aside, we really did miss Nicole, Matt, Zack and Dylan. We know how hard it is to make the trip from California, and everyone is looking forward to hanging out with you guys at Thanksgiving.
Now I just need to plan my Halloween night.
I think I have plans with my new friend Ole' One Eye. Fun!