Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Today IS Sunday, a day that is famous for being the day that you read the comics. (or funny pages as I like to call them)

I do call my blog Cooper COMICS....

It is about time that I put some actual comics on my you think?

I should make it a Sunday tradition...that would be smashing.

I found this site and I then made these sweet "comics" of a few of my favorite pictures, just to see how it works.

Do not be surprised if you wind up in one of my comic strips on a fine Sunday afternoon.

So, if you see me with a camera, please feel free to assume the following things....
  • I am going to take a picture of you
  • I will not ever make fun of you
  • Your picture will most likely end up on my blog
  • That picture could be made into a cartoon
  • I do this purely to amuse myself
Alright. I feel better getting that off of my chest.

I was starting to feel a wee bit guilty for taking people's pictures and making silly stories about them.

Just a wee bit though. Which I guess is enough to make me set up that minor disclaimer.

Now maybe my imaginary reader will stop leaving me.....
  • angry text messages,
  • nasty notes on my facebook wall,
  • rude icons on my myspace,
  • testy tweets on my Twitter account,
  • and sassy comments on my blog here.....
Sheesh maybe I should join some other social internet website.

What does Pirate DJ have to say about that?

Ha ha. Pirate DJ, you have such a way with words.

You amaze me.


Shannon said...

Someone left you a nast comment?? No freaking way! I don't believe it!! :)

Amanda P. said...

Those pictures look way cool! Dj just a little bit frightening...