I have been...
- making craft projects with Cynthia
- decorating the tree
- shopping with my Mom and sisters
- putting up lights outside with DJ
- going to Kelly Christmas program
- going shopping with Mama Coop and Kelly J
- Making cookies
- shoveling snow
- wrapping presents
It has been so much fun. I love the holiday season. All of the prep work is half of the fun.
Then, today we are going over to St. George to go to the annual Grandma Cooper Christmas party! I always have a really fun time at that. I get to see a lot of people that I haven't seen in a while, and the Coopers are such a sweet bunch. Yea!
Kelly has a really great time with all of her cousins at Grandma's party too. We always take a million pictures...so I can share the fun. :)
Oh, I made these cookies for Kelly's teachers the other night. My Mom let us use her cookie cutters so we could have a huge variety of shapes. ( I get bored decorating the same shape) I think that I made like 60 cookies...all in one night. What do you think huh?
Holy cookies!! they look fantastic-o!
I was waiting and waiting for my cookies to arrive in the mail...sigh*
Hope y'all had a fantastic Christmas!
My cookies never look that good.
I say they look wonderful! Send me a plate! You have always been so creative. It's good to see that some things never change. Love ya, Shan
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